Stefan Pophristic

pophristic [at] nyu [dot] edu

Hello and welcome to my page! This site is about 2 years outdated, I hope to get to updating it soon. 

I am currently a third year Ph.D. student in Linguistics at NYU. I primarily work with Alec Marantz, using Behavioral and Magnetoencephalography (MEG) methods to ask questions about how complex words are processed in the brain and mind. 

I will be presenting a poster this upcoming Fall at AMLaP, reach out if you will be there and want to chat!

A little more about my research interests: 

My primary research interests are in understanding grammatical units and how they are stored, processed, and produced in the mind. I am particularly interested in morphology because I believe that morphemes are fundamental to understanding language. Whatever theoretical models and cognitive processes underpin the phenomenon of language, we must have some notion of a base unit that serves as the common denominator between the interfaces of phonology, syntax, and semantics. By understanding how these base units are stored and processed, we can better understand these interfaces, and thus the cognitive architecture of language as a whole.

I like working in interdisciplinary research. Since theoretical data (from acceptability judgements) and experimental data (from behavioral, acquisitional, and neuroscientific studies) are produced by the same cognitive architecture that underpins the human capacity for language, the theories and models derived from both types of data explain different aspects of said architecture and its processes. Therefore, only by merging the findings across the theoretical and experimental domains can we begin to holistically understand language. 

As I continue conducting research, I hope to further explore cognitive models of how units of language are stored and how language is comprehended and produced in real time. 

But of course these interests and how I frame them are bound to change over the next few years as I continue my Ph.D. —so stay tuned!